Nursing Home Neglect and
Assisted Living Abuse Lawyer
Atlanta & All Of Georgia

How An Attorney Can Investigate Assisted Living Facilities

Our law firm holds negligent parties accountable

Assisted living abuse or neglect is often subtle. Unlike nursing home residents, people who live in assisted living facilities still have a high degree of independence. The staff members at these homes still have a responsibility to provide a safe, caring environment. But when they fail in that responsibility and residents are injured, it can be difficult to prove negligence on the facility's part. That's where an experienced assisted living negligence lawyer can make a meaningful difference.

Johnson Greer Law Group specializes in holding negligent care facilities accountable, and that includes finding critical information to help prove liability. If you suspect a loved one was abused or neglected in an assisted living facility, we can conduct an independent investigation on your behalf. Here's what we'll review:

  • Hiring and Supervision Records. Assisted living facilities are responsible for hiring staff members who are qualified to do their jobs and training and supervising them to maintain a safe environment. Our investigation may find that the facility failed to conduct a background check or did not adequately train or supervise staff, leading to safety issues.
  • Financial Records. A review of the financial records could turn up evidence of overcharging, double-billing, billing for services not actually rendered or other forms of financial exploitation. We'll also look for any discrepancies between the financial records and treatment or medical records.
  • Witness Statements. Interviewing witnesses in an assisted living facility can be difficult because some residents may have difficulty remembering or articulating what they've seen. Moreover, assisted living residents may live in private apartments where potential witnesses are further away. Our attorneys know how to overcome those difficulties and find the evidence needed to hold the facility accountable.
  • Examine Medication Records. Our review often involves closely scrutinizing medication records. This involves checking for any irregularities or errors in the prescription, administration, and documentation of medication. Mismanagement could include overmedication, undermedication, or incorrect medication dosage, all of which could severely impact a resident's health and well-being. These records can often reveal patterns of neglect or improper care.
  • Examine Treatment Records. Similarly, we will conduct a thorough examination of medical treatment records. This step is essential to verify that the resident received the appropriate standard of care, including timely and adequate responses to medical issues, proper implementation of care plans, and regular monitoring and adjustments as needed.

Camera/Security Surveillance Footage. We will seek to obtain and review any existing camera or security surveillance footage from the facility. This video footage can be critical in corroborating incidents of abuse or neglect, showing patterns of behavior by staff, or contradicting facility records. How lawyers overcome assisted living investigation challenges

Having an experienced Georgia assisted living abuse and neglect lawyer investigate suspicions is often necessary for a thorough uncovering and addressing of injustices. At Johnson Greer Law Group, we know how to navigate the complexities and challenges that often arise during such investigations in Georgia. Here are several reasons why involving a lawyer early in the process is to your advantage:

  • Access to Resources. Lawyers have access to investigative resources and experts, such as medical professionals who can provide insights into whether the care provided met acceptable standards, or if neglect or abuse occurred. For example, a medical expert can review a resident’s medical records to identify any discrepancies or signs of neglect, such as untreated bedsores or unexplained injuries.
  • Understanding Legal Processes and Rights. Our legal team is deeply familiar with the assisted living residents rights and the legal processes protecting those rights. We know precisely what constitutes abuse and neglect from a legal standpoint and can frame the investigation to cover all necessary bases. This includes understanding the rights to privacy and how to lawfully access records and surveillance footage.
  • Skilled in Overcoming Obstacles. Challenges such as hesitant witnesses or uncooperative facilities are common during investigations. Our nursing home abuse attorneys have many strategies and legal tools at their disposal to overcome these obstacles. When dealing with uncooperative facilities that are reluctant to release records or surveillance footage, we can use subpoenas to compel them to provide the necessary documentation or evidence.
  • Experience in Handling Similar Cases. Johnson Greer Law Group has extensive experience handling assisted living abuse and neglect cases throughout Georgia. We have a strong track record of success in protecting victims and fighting for justice. This knowledge helps us spot patterns of abuse and signs of manipulated records that others might overlook.

Remember, the sooner we're able to start our investigation, the better. The assisted living facility may move to cover up or destroy evidence. Witnesses' memories may fade. If you have any reason to suspect abuse or neglect, we urge you to contact our firm right away. How long the investigation can take will vary depending on case complexities, cooperation by nursing homes, and the evidence required to build a strong legal case. We get started right away, but the process may take anywhere from a few weeks to several months.

No matter how long it takes, we are dedicated to helping you find the truth about what happened - and to holding negligent assisted living facilities accountable. Call (866) 904-6653 today for your free, confidential consultation.

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